
Nowadays, more digital point and shoot cameras are now equipped with manual functions. These manual functions allow you to be more flexible and creative in your approach to photography, enabling you to change the shutter speed, aperture and ISO. However, what exactly do these settings mean? And how does changing […]


Trying to take a good photograph when you lack natural light can be easily solved with a flash and tripod. However, you’re not always going to be carrying a tripod around. And even with a flash, it can wash the subject out, or be pretty much useless. Hopefully, these five simple tips will help you take the perfect photograph in a low light environment without using a flash or tripod.


I have many times been asked what some of the terms in photography mean and how they affect a photograph. I have also heard many of the terms used incorrectly. They are heard so often in advertising and even in passing that people use them in every day speech without […]